Sunday, January 1, 2012

Elizabeth's "30th" Birthday Bash

 So, we were invited to a fun New Years Eve Eve celebration and Surprise Birthday party for our great friend Elizabeth.
 Stephanie, Elizabeth and Kim, the party throwers

This is where the party gets a little interesting...
We all played Do You Love Your Neighbor
Some people (Scott, and a few other men) were being really competitive,
let's just say it ended in a bloody mess.
Scott and Alan went for the same chair, but when they got to the chair, it had moved and Scott was falling, grabbed onto whatever he could to break his fall, which happened to be Alan's arm, so Alan couldn't catch his fall, and landed, skidding on his face.
This was not good.
A busted nose, goose eggs, and cuts and bruises later, Alan wasn't looking too good.
Even worse, Scott has a reputation now, and I don't think anyone is going to play that game with us ever again.

Scott and I came home feeling awful, and then Eric started throwing up all over his bed!!!
What a night.  We checked up on Alan, and found him to be doing okay, but still had a restless night.

Eric got better quickly, bed got laundered, and Alan looked great on Sunday!  Better than we were imagining. 

So, Life Happens...and blessings do come.