Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Andrew's Heart is...

...doing GREAT!  We went to his yearly echo-cardiogram checkup, and his heart seems to be doing really great.  After his surgery in 2008, for his mitral valve cleft there was some narrowing around the valve they had to repair.  Well, his heart has seemed to grow and make up that difference and it looks better than it did last year.  He doesn't need to go back to the cardiologist for another 3 years!  I am so happy and feel so blessed.

Thank you Dr. Woods! 
Thank you Dr. Stefanelli!
Thank you Dr. Nelson!
(the amazing, and might I say alarmingly attractive, anesthesiologist who found Andrew's heart murmur)

May you all be blessed beyond belief for what you do!


HeatherEricksenHansen said...

That is such great news! What a relief that must be to you guys!

S, W, E, R, A, & B Nelson said...

We were so happy! I always got really nervous every time I went in, just waiting for them to tell me not very good news.

But now I am so relieved.

It is also a very expensive appointment I won't have to pay each and every year. Nice cherry on top.

Holly said...

So so so HAPPY for your wonderful news!!!!!! YAY!