Thursday, March 24, 2011

We have great kiddos!

Rachel got an award at her school for "Thinking interdependently". I know you are all thinking...What the heck does that mean? Well that is what Scott and I were thinking anyway. I guess it means..."Rachel is a cooperative student who knows a group can achieve more than an individual. She has creative ideas, yet is willing to listen carefully, support others and is able to change." I summed it up to... Rachel is a team player! Good going Rachel!!

Andrew got an award for citizenship. His award says, "Andrew shows kindness to his classmates on a daily basis. He is a great helper in our classroom and is always one of the first students voluntering to help anyone in need." What mom doesn't love to hear that! I agree 100%! Andrew has such a kind heart. We all love a bit of Andrew love.
Good job Kids!


Molly Kay said...

That's great! You do have special kids. But, um... what's with the pretty pretty princesses?

Holly said...

Way to go Andrew and Rachel!!!! And THANKS FOR ALL OF THE NEW POSTS!!!!!!! I love seeing them...I vote for Wendy and Scott...coolest parents EVER!!!!

I will stop using exclaimation marks...really, I will! (Doh)

Kevin & Jennifer Sampson said...

What great kids! I agree with Molly, whats with the Belle's?