Sunday, June 15, 2008

Oh the Irony!!!

So the schoo year is winding down which often portends to activities at school that have nothing to do with academic type learning but Shaw Road Elementary has taken it to new heights recently. Normally when I ask the children how there day was, they have very little to share or report, but not the other day. Eric, our soft-spoken, slightly less athletically gifted Eric, comes home gushing about his PE class. Mind you PE still stands for Physical Education as far as I know. What is he gushing about? Well when he gets excited, he tells stories with such attention to details that you often get lost on the big picture . He starts to paint a story about how he and his friend Alec had a really fun competition in PE the other day. They were giong back and orth and doing really good. Then he begins to tell me that he had to play this bar and push buttons on a guitar shaped joystick and that his friend was hitting drumsticks. WHAT????? I couldn't believe my ears and grilled him for more details because is sounded like he was describing playing "guitar Hero" - - a video game. I thought maybe that he was talking bout his "Field Day" activities but soon deciphered that in fact he was playing video games in his PE class- - -in Physical Education!. I was beside myself. Wendy just sat back giggling at our interchange because I became so stunned from the news. Granted the school year was winding down and it was the last PE class of the year, but Wendy and I couldn't help but wonder what the teachers were doing during there lunches and breaks with a video game sitting around in the gymnasium. Anyway, I knew that there were movie videos being watched at school quite often for rewards of doing a good job, but this just took it to another level . . . video games during PE class, what will they come up with next?


JoDee said...

Hey Scott & Wendy! Glad you found our blog - such a fun way to keep in touch with old friends. Can't believe the video games in PE - crazy. Haven't tried the pizza recipe yet - doing it for a couples date night next week - wish me luck!

Kevin & Jennifer Sampson said...

Sounds like "Rock Band" - we play that with our friends sometimes... But in PE??? You're right... at least it's a little bit active...
We can't wait to see you guys soon!

Lance and Megan Jacobsen said...

I bet next they will be playing with the wii fit in PE! ;O)