Saturday, May 31, 2008

Another quick update - - his heart rythm is back to normal and they have started to wean off the medication that is helping him. The rythm is still holding too. He also had his chest tube removed and his foley catheter ( the one draining his bladder) removed.

The biggest joy we had was when he finally pee-pee'd without the catheter. It was no easy event for him. They are giving him a diuretic (stuff to make you pee) because he has a little bit of fluid in one side of his lungs. That was making his bladder distend and become painful. Since he had the catheter in, his penis was painful too. But after much perseverence we struck gold!!! You would have thought that he was having a baby. He immediately fell to sleep after the big ordeal and continues to slumber as I type.

They also stopped the fentanyl (a narcotic like morphine) and started him on an IV equivalent to ibuprofen, as well he can take tylenol with codeine as needed.

He is also starting to cough which is another good little step towards getting home. I think the heart dysrythmia will be the slowest common factor. We'll keep you updated

Just for fun, here is a picture from two years ago of Andrew, its one of my favorites. I can't put any recent pictures up because this computer is incapable.


Kevin & Jennifer Sampson said...

It's great to hear Andrew is doing better. We will remember him in our fast this week. Please let him know we love him!