Friday, January 13, 2012

My Harry Potter Lego Obsession

Rachel is turning 12 soon, and she loves the Harry Potter Lego sets.  Eric used to like them when he was young, so I bought him 2 sets that are now tripple in price.  Well that was years ago, and all the lego parts have been mixed with the rest of our legos, and used for other imaginative creations.  So, because we have already spent our budget money on a fun surprise for the night of Rachel's birthday, we didn't know what we were going to do about a present.  So, being the frugal mom I am, I decided I would download the Harry Potter building instructions to these two sets and try to hunt down every little lego and rebuild the sets that are now worth a few hundred dollars. 

 This is an idea of the magnitude of legos I had to go through...Andrew's box of Legos...
 Eric's box of Bionicle Lego parts...And the 5 pound box of Lego peices we own.
 After three days,  I did it.  And I did a pretty decent job.  Quite a few peices were m.i.a., (you can order missing peices from the Lego company online) but I ended up making do with what I had.  It turned out so good!  I of course don't want to give them to my kids anymore, but I will...
Eric is a little put out...mostly because there are so many peices he likes to build with.  But in the end he decided this would be a gift from him as well. At least,they will be "on lone", he says.
 This is Dumbledors Office
This one is Slytherin House


HeatherEricksenHansen said...

You are such a good mommy! Those look like they took a lot of work, and I'm impressed that you hadn't lost all of the cool pieces! She will love them!